Hahaha. Please Don’t Try This Especially In Lagos (Hilarious Video)

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Hahaha. Please Don’t Try This Especially In Lagos (Hilarious Video)

It is only God that will save this guy. Please don’t try this especially in Lagos. Hahahaha….this is the kind of joke that put people in trouble or even get them killed.


So, these guys were on a queue at the ATM when a guy started to put a very stupid prank by slapping people standing in front of him and acting like he wasn’t the one.

See Also: No Way! She Didn’t Just Do That To Him (Hilarious)

One of the guys reacted and slapped back the guy behind him thinking he slapped him. lol….you need to see the look on the guy’s face when he realized that he slapped the wrong person. But God saved him that the guy knows who was slapping the people.

Video Credits: Yabaleftonline.

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