Pastor Only Said You May Kiss The Bride (Give This A Name. Lol)

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Pastor Only Said You May Kiss The Bride (Give This A Name. Lol)

Hahahaha….he must cover all lost grounds. The pastor only said, now you may kiss the bride. But because this bros waited 10 years to kiss her. Now, I don’t know if I should say he is kissing her, drinking her, chopping her or pumping her… You see for yourself.


I swear if my husband try this kind of kissing with me, na fight no separate the matter. The pastor only said you may kiss the bride….not kill the bride.

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This kind of kissing make me pity partners whose spouses have odor manufacturing companies in their mouths. How do they even try to cope? Okay, nothing concern me so lemme go to my house.

Enjoy watching and share with friends.

Video Credits: Gossip Mill Nigeria.

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