So This Student Decided To Disgrace His Ancestors (Wait for it!)

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So This Student Decided To Disgrace His Ancestors (Wait for it!)

Lol….nothing we won’t see and hear.  This student decided to disgrace his ancestors.You will just forgive TBoss if you hear this guy recites the national anthem. Hahahaha. See the way he set his mouth and glasses like one better person.


Proper olodo. But wait a second o! This shit is getting real. Is the Nigerian national anthem too hard or why do many people fall hand when reciting it? Are our teachers responsible for this? If yes, How about TBoss who schooled in Romania? Oh…sorry. A little bird just whispered that she went to Aje ku Iya nuje secondary school. Lol….I am outta here biko.

See Also: #BBN – TBoss To Learn The National Anthem From These Guys (Lol)

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Video Credits: @its_lukhas.

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