Who Remembers This From AY Live? (So Hilarious)

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Who Remembers This From AY Live? (So Hilarious)

Throw back thursday……Who remember this from AY Live show of 2016. Hahahaha…..I was watching and laughing so hard and I remember it’s thursday so this throw back video would crack your ribs big time.


During the AY Live show last year, a lot was happening in Nigeria, from celebrity fight, baby mama dramas to missing budget and padded national budget.

All those issues were captivated in the most comic and hilarious way in a stage play by comedians AY, Chigurl, Princess, Falz, Daddy Freeze, Elenu and other comedians titled “Na So We See Am”. Funny enough, I saw Akpororo laughing his heart out in the audience.

Watch and thank me later.

Video Credits: Falz Videos Facebook.

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