Nigerians Like Awuuf Sha. See Them Packing Upandan. Lol

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Nigerians Like Awuuf Sha. See Them Packing Upandan. Lol

Kai! Country people why now? Nigerians like awuuf oooo. See how they are busy packing drinks from a fallen truck. One man woes is another man’s free drinks I suppose?


This truck conveying drinks veered off the road somewhere in Nigeria and instead of showing sympathy with the business owners, these Nigerians rushed at the drinks and many carted away as much as they could.

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Would you blame them? In this recession? I am sure some of them will share testimonies on Sunday on how God miraculously brought a new business idea their way. Hehehehe……some could start selling their loot. Lol… didn’t hear anything from me. #Okaybye.

Video Credits: Gossip.

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