Recession Saver! Watch Magicians Turn Paper To Money

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Recession Saver! Watch Magicians Turn Paper To Money

Ha! Who doesn’t need this in this recession? Watch magicians turn paper to money. Hahahaha….pikin wey say im mama no go sleep, that pikin cannot find sleep too.


These two magicians would not even understand what is called recession as they have their own African technology for manufacturing money. Hahaha. If politicians like, let them be stealing money upandan.

See Also: Do You Believe In Magic? Nothing Explains This Video (Must Watch)

Lol….na joke ooo. Moreso, I have your idea what country this happened so do not carry your money to any money doubler ooo. I repeat….do not try this at home. Lol….Let me come and be going before sombori will call my name.

Video Credits. Gossip.

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