This Happens When You Fornicate In Your Office (She Remembers Her Pants.Lol)

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This Happens When You Fornicate In Your Office (She Remembers Her Pants.Lol)

Ha! Wahala! This is what you get when you fornicate in your office. Hahahaha…he wanted one, he got two. Oya now, it is time to do bad thing for free, go ahead.


This dude got more than he bargained for when his office assistant caught him “doing” it with the office keeper. To have his respect preserved and still maintain his status as boss, he must dance to the tune of the office assistant. You must do me as you do her. Hehehehe.

SEE ALSO: What Color Of Madness Is This One? (Can You Guess His State…Lol)

But come to think of it. What manner of conji will make a man to be having sex inside his office? The gateman was even enjoying the sound of her moans. Lol. Lord have mercy on their souls.

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