Hilarious!!! Have you every tried baby sitting ?? You would really accept that children are a blessing – (taaooma comedy)

Hilarious!!! Have you every tried baby sitting ?? You would really accept that children are a blessing – (Taaooma Comedy)

This comedy skit would make you laugh. Children they say is a blessing but can be sometimes annoying.

Useless tailors everywhere (Comedy)


This is an interesting and a very funny skit from Tao, portraying how sometimes we are forced to baby sit out younger ones for our parents, till they are back from their outings.

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Maryam Apaokagi known professionally as Taaooma , is a Nigerian comedian, content creator, cinematographer, and social media influencer. She is known for acting multiple roles in her comedy skits.

See Facts and Frictions about sleep 


Cc: Utube

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